Custom Molds & Products

Do you have an idea you'd love to see come to life? Have you searched every website for that one mold design or special piece you're desperately hoping to find? Look no further! With prices starting at CAD $40, we're happy to offer an excellent custom service at an afforable cost.

Please see the available order options below:

1. Printing An Existing File ($10+ CAD)
If you already have an existing file or find an open-source file online you'd like printed, send them our way for our printing-only service. There are many great resources online where you can access files, "" is a great place to start. Final cost determined at a price per gram of material used for the print.
2. Regular Custom Order ($50+ CAD)

This option is great if you're looking for a simple design you cannot find anywhere  or have a vision you'd like to see come to life. Let us take your vision and turn it into reality. Design time and 1x printed product included in this fee, reprints available.

3. Logo Custom Order ($125 CAD)
If you'd like your logo on a bath bomb mold, soap stamp or other product, this option is for you! The final product is exlusively yours as your logo or business name is within the product. Design time and 1x printed product included in this fee, reprints available.

Please fill out the form below and email any reference material to We will get back to you within 24hrs with a quote, estimated timeline and order form to complete your request.